Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Chicken taste good

This was not a fun day for me
Bobcat got three more chickens, one chick and two layers.  

 She dug under the side of the greenhouse and grabbed the chickens by their feet and tried to drag them under the base boards

 Chicken without a head

Aquaponics Electrical 10/27/13

Layout for Control Board

Intermatic / Grasslin GM40 Timer for lighting and pump control.

Timer with cover off

Johnson A419 Thermostats

Thermostat wiring terminals for 24v model

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Aquaponic Greenhouse 10/26/13

East bed vs. West bed


A handful of duck weed from the west bed

Algae growing at the end of the west bed
Cilantro, Tomatoes and Basil planted in the east bed.

Basil cuttings planted directly in gravel

Basil plants in Compost pots with a layer of wood chip mulch

Adding Fish emulsion to tanks to supply nutrients to water cress,duckweed and bacteria.

Adding about 1/2 cups daily to each system.

Adding water to 1/2 cup emulsion.

Adding fish emulsion to sump tank
Watching it churn and mix

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Aquaponic Photo update 10/16/13

Watercress and Cilantro

The Watercress is growing nicely in the Wast bed

Not as aggressive in the East bed

Strawberries and Rosemary cuttings

 From Above

Laying out and maching up electrical conduit

More layouts for the electrical system, switches, timers and thermostats.

Covered the chicken hoop with Coco rolls to provide shade.

The coco is pulled tight and held in place with nails.

 Clearing out the inside.  The coop is going to get more nesting boxes and many roosting spots.